Ex Libris November 2014

The Slow Regard of Silent Things - Patrick Rothfuss
The Inheritance - Megan Lindholm/Robin Hobb
The Wastelands ed. George R R Martin
Raising Steam - Terry Pratchett
Without Faith, Without Law, Without Joy - Saladin Ahmed
A Flock of Grief - Kat Howard - I thoroughly recommend the audio version, which I listened to originally.

I read a lot of anthologies. They're perfect for my reading lifestyle, which is mostly dip-in-and-out-in-snatched-half-hours. As well as my completed reads this month I also have two ghostly anthologies I'm working through. I was fortunate enough to attend Terror and Wonder: The Gothic Imagination at the British Library this month, followed by Witches and their Wicked Bodies at the British Museum, which gave me a to read/to research list as long as my arm. I rounded off my trip with my first ever visit to an art gallery (The National Portrait Gallery), so I've picked up some art history to work through too. For anyone who can't believe I've never been to an art gallery, neither can I really, but I was moved and ecstatic and as excitable as a puppy, researching the lives and works of Goya and Fuseli.

Non fiction wise I'm still chomping through the same as I have been the last few months - craft books, Stephen King's Danse Macabre and a lot of blogs. I don't exclusively read horror, to be honest, my library is overwhelmingly sci fi/fantasy, but my favourites always lean towards the horror genre, and I have the fondest affections for Mr King, so there's usually something of his in rotation.

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